The Orignal Texas BBQ King

I meet so many folks who say they have passed by this place but have never eaten here. Why not? BBQ King is located at 867 West Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90012, 213-437-0885,;_ylc=X3oDMTExNmIycG51BF9TAzI3MTYxNDkEc2VjA2ZwLWJ1dHRvbgRzbGsDbGluaw--#mvt=m&q2=867%20West%20Sunset%20Blvd%20los%20angeles%20ca&q1=Los%20Angeles%20CA%2090012&trf=0&lon=-118.243178&lat=34.062348&mag=2
A great place for lunch, take home dinner or for a Dodger pre-game picnic.
I love to watch them smoke the meat. They must have five smokers going at one time. How cool is that? I like the Babyback ribs myself but the pork and beef ribs are juicy too. They also have this burger that's amazing. It's huge. Texas style.