Normandie Bakery

Here's another place Hiromi Sato and Rick Alpers turned me onto. Normandie Bakery, which once upon a time was on Normandie, is now located at 5277 West Jefferson LA CA 90016, 323-939-5528. Equipped with a sidewalk-level seating area, this place is a pleasant surprise in what is mostly residential/industrial. I love the morning pasrties, breads and cookies there. it makes the traffic tolerable. Their cakes are good too but the item they evidently are known for as a company is the patte'. I've never had it but it seems like it's exceptional.
Hiromi and Rick where at a fairly fancy event in Bel Air a number of years ago and feel in love with the french-style pastries. It turned out to be catered by Normandie bakery and there you have it!