50th Post: MELT BANANA

First of all, thank you for your support and for viewing this blog. This is my 50th post and I thought I'd celebrate it by writing about one of my all-time favorite bands. Their name is Melt Banana. Since they have a fruit in their name, I felt that they sort of qualify for my food blog.
I first learned about MB through Brandy Maya Healy. Her co-worker at the Cultural Affairs Department, Dee, had a niece in Seattle or Portland who was looking for their music and didn't know where to look, so they called me. (Dee is an artist and Brandy is a talented movement artist and painter) I tracked it down and they got the niece a CD. When I was online looking for them, I downloaded their music and was blown away. You can get their CD's at Sealevel in Echo Park. Their percussive punk rock fused with samples, riveting bass lines, altered-state guitar and otomatapea-like vocals is like flying through space while strapped to the nose of a spaceship, at hyper speed. The banana would surely melt and you will see things that appear to be not of this earth.
MB played the Glass House in Pomona this past Saturday. I went with Poet, Alicia Vogl Saenz. Alicia had never heard of MB. This was my second time seeing them live. They actually played at the Troub friday night but the sound sucks over there and besides, I play B-Ball on Friday nights.
We got to meet the bassist of MB. All the members are from Tokyo and this was their second concert for this multi-state US tour. I think it's there third tour of the US.
MB was on attack mode all night and just a pleasure to watch. Alicia said she believe she and I were the oldest in the entire hall. We stood in front of the pit. There was a beautiful energy in the room and we left the place very excited and satisfied, much like a great dinner.
Alicia said she hadn't experienced anything like that since the first time she saw the Buzzcocks. I was really happy to hear that. I'm sure MB members would be too.

you described the evening perfectly- I had a great time!!!