Delilah Bakery

Morning meetings. Gotta love um'. Robert Villagomez, an architect I worked with needed to hand off some tile stock to me so he invited me to meet him at a place near his home in Echo Park. Robert knows about this blog, so I think he figured I'd write about it.

Delilah Bakery is at 1665 Echo Park Ave, LA CA 90026,213-975-9400, It's a soothingly painted wood building at a corner in a more residential heavy area on Echo Park Avenue, north of Sunset Blvd.
I was late and Robert was already there finishing up his coffee. I asked what was the most popular pastry and the folks at the bakery told me there Red Velvet Cupcake.
This is no ordinary cupcake. It's got a delicate and creamy white frosting with nuts and the cake is absolutely velvety. I can't wait to go back and try the other items.
Thanks Robert!
One interesting note. Even though they have a place to eat outside, they package everything to go. The cupcake came in a tiny brown box. I kept the box. i have no idea what to do with it. Maybe I'll make a little Joseph Cornell piece.
