In LA, if you walk into a cafe or a restaurant and order a coke-a-cola or a coffee, sit there for a while at your leisure, and drink the beverage, I think most servers would be at the very least a little pissed off. Certainly if it's crowded but also because they will expect a very minimal tip. I will say that this is the one paradigm shift i appreciate about Starbucks and the many coffee places that have sprung up in the past 12 years. Nevertheless, this sort of behavior is embedded in the culture here. Totally normal to sit down, order a soda and most certainly a coffee, and stay a while. Also, someone told me there's no tipping in Spain. Nope, absolutely wrong. Although there are philosophical opinions about it i.e. a residue of colonialism, etc. No one has glared at me for leaving a coin or two. It's more of a gesture saying, I really appreciate you letting me sit here for a while and enjoy this delicious beverage. Of course, there are times when you don't and times that you do. I think that's something you learn as you move along the BCN beat. Ca La Monyos Cafe, Muntaner, 18, BCN Spain