Western Smokehouse on the Westside

My kids go to Culver City High School. We live in K-Town. They play sports. Often, like most parents who have kids who play high school sports, I pick them up late at night after a game or practice. It's a time when it's too late to cook by the time we get home, logistically. Although not economical, it's so much easier to go "take out" on our way home. On the days I ask what would they like to eat, the answers are "Chipotle", "Panda Express", "Carls JR.", etc. No, it's cool. My brother and I were into the junk food regime when we were kids too. The routes back to K-Town passes by some great places to eat. On the nights I don't ask or they answer, "anything is fine", I am off to some of my favorites like Western Smokehouse, 10640 Woodbine Street, LA CA 90034 (on Overland at Rose)310-837-3544. A Fathers gotta take advantage of these small perks. They keep some complicated hours, so call. I sense they cater most of the time. The ribs, sausages and pulled pork are delicious. The sauce is just right, not sweet, not tangy, not spicy but a combo of the three in a kind of old school smoked out kicked back sense. Cash Only. Save room for desserts. It's all homemade; peach cobbler, red velvet cupcakes. This time when I went for the take out, I saw this funny thing happen. The place is "CO-ZEE". There was this guy who looked like he loved his ribs and sort of looked like Santa Claus on holiday with that ZZ-Top chin bush. He finished his meal. I was watching a college football game on their tube and watched all this out of the corner of my eye. The waitress, who's Asian, asked if he enjoyed the meal. Sounds like he's a regular. He said, "Yes, but I was surprised, when you asked if I wanted pancakes, I thought you were going to bring out the Korean pancakes not actual pancakes." Mann, that was funny. I'm sure she never said anything about Korean (Pa-Jeon?) pancakes. Why would they be serving them in a Texas BBQ place?


JustinM said…
Ah yes, I remember the days of high school sports before I got my license, when my dad used to pick me up on his way home from work. It was Jack in the Box at least three nights a week for me.
CAFE LA LA said…
Oh yeah,Jack is aesome. Love the tacos.
Peanut-Butter Kitty said…
WOW, the pictures of the food on your blog look great! To bad your down south, to far for me to try.
CAFE LA LA said…
Shelly, maybe someday.

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