El Baron on Pico Blvd

El Baron De Centro America is located at 4212 Pico Blvd. LA CA, 323-954-1384, just west of Crenshaw Blvd. My friend and DRE bass/ theremin player, Peter Watkinson came with me. El Baron is a one and a half room storefront on Pico that is jammed pack with soccer or futbol paraphernalia. There are several large screens playing games and the two times I've been there, it's been fairly packed. We had the 7 Mares soup which reminded us of the lemon grass soup you get in Thai restaurants and equally as rich and delicious. We also shared a papusas. I also ordered an El Salvadorian beer, Suprema which was excellent with the meal. As usual, I was the only Asian in the place. It helps to speak Spanish, luckily Peter is fluent.