Miss T's Barcade

Miss T's Barcade is located at 371 North Western Avenue, LA CA 90004, 323-465-5045. Artist Steven M. Irvin mentioned it a couple of weeks ago to me so after practice last night, Peter, Kio and I went to have a beer. There's no signage except for a blue animated neon sign that switches between the two main characters from Pac Man. Inside is a dark and funky bar that maneuvers itself from 80's arcade persona to a Kienholz installation to the stage set of a Bukowski autobiography. We got there after the kitchen closed but I'd like to go back and try the Korean food or maybe the patty melt. There's no beer on tap but I enjoyed my Stella. Serving us was the accordion player of the the local band Very Be Careful, Ricardo. We had a good time playing the games like Astroids and Galaga. It's a cool place. We'll definitely be back.