La Luz Del Dia

My friend Alessandra grew up in a colorful household of four sisters. In some ways, the glue that held their daily lives was Nana. Nana, by definition, was/is their live in housekeeper but she was so much more than that. In fact, writing that definition kind of turns my stomach. Nana's a perfect example of what Richard Bach wrote in his book "Illusions", "True family are rarely born under the same household."
By the time I got to meet Nana, she was a family member. A beautiful, petite woman, who spoke little or no English and with the most deepest and beautiful eyes. One word she introduced me to is "mole". It's because of Nana that I've come to love mole.
If you know the history of mole and how the poverty stricken Mexican nuns took what little ingredients they had to make a meal for the visiting Catholic dignitary and invented mole, then you would understand when I say that I have always sensed that Nana is somehow a descendant of these Catholic chefs.
Anyway, when Nana ended up moving to San Diego, she was very worried about leaving Alessandra by herself in LA. The month she was scheduled to leave, Alessandra brought Nana to La Luz Del Dia, 107 Paseo De La Plaza (Olvera Street) LA CA 90012, 213-628-7494. After that meal, Nana was relieved to find out that there was a place in town that Alessandra could go to for a real meal.
Pictured is my favorite thing to order, 1 side order of nopales (cactus), 1 side order of beans, 3 handmade tortillas (the beans comes covered with a tortilla, so you get four total), and salsa. I sit there, listening to my friends converse as i make my own nopales tacos. My whole meal is just a little over $3.00.
Oops, I almost forgot, the tortillas are handmade. They are amazing!
