Jordan's Food Center

When i was about 14 years old, my family went to go visit the Cunnighams. Mr. Cunningham grew up in Texas and met his wife, Mrs. Cunnigham in Japan when he was in the Army during WWII. They were cooking in the kitchen and I asked what they were cooking? Mr. Cunningham said that I probably wouldn't like it. I persisted and he put a scoop of the stew in a little red bowl and handed it in front of my face.
Ox-tail stew is not part of the Japanese diet so it took 14 years for me and ox-tail stew to meet. It was worth it.
At Jordan's, 11332 Wilmington Avenue, LA CA 323-566-8629, I have always had extraordinary lunches.
Part of the fun is the diet of sweet potatoes, greens, baked beans, fried cat fish, southern fried chicken, ox-tail, smothered steak etc. that are so foreign to my childhood food memories but the other is that in the eleven years I've been going to Jordan's, I am always the only Asian in the place. Maybe I'm being overly sensitive but i can see the smiles on the waitresses and the stares of the regulars when I walk in, sit down and order without looking at the menu. It's like I'm adopted.
I took a picture of the menu for you because I was too sleepy at the end of my meal to write down any prices. This is f-o-o-d with a capital "F".
