French Garden

One objective of this blog is to let you know about places that may be hidden. French Garden, 1936 East 7th Street, LA CA 90021, 213-623-4028, is one of those places. It's sort of on the corner of 7th and Mateo. I think its Mateo. But it's not visable from the corner and the entrance is through the parking lot which is accesible off of 7th Street or a tiny alleyway off of Mateo.
Anyway, the setting is outdoors or semi-ourdoors and the service is fantastic. The appetizer bread is always delicious. My favorite is the Sea Food Salad with healthy portions of cooked salmon, calamari and shrimp. The dressing is cream base and there is a mound of romaine.
Eating ourdoors, even if its Downtown LA, feels so cool, so civilized, it makes the lunch really comfortable and rejeuvanating.
