Empress Pavillion

Dim Sum or as my family calls it Yumchow (spelling?), is a brunch-lunch meal where cart after cart of entrees, porridge's, desserts pass by your table and it's up to you if you want anything off that cart. It's like a mobile Chinese food buffet.
Everyone I know has their favorite Dim Sum place.
It's a very personal opinion who has the best. Some prefer those in Alhambra, some Monterey Park, maybe Orange County but I love the dim sum at Empress Pavilion, 988 North Hill Street, Suite 201, Los Angeles CA, 213-617-9898, http://www.empresspavilion.com/
I usually go there before 11:00 AM on a weekday. I once went with my family on a Sunday and it took us almost ninety minutes to get seated. It was a huge crowd; great for people watching but maybe not so much on a very empty stomach.
The food is absolutely yummy. I especially like the rice porridge and chashyu (broiled pork, I love to dip slices into the hot mustard and soy sauce). The desserts are great too. There's the sweet sesame ball, coconut ball with sweet bean and the bite size custard pies (heavy on the egg).
I'm not going to describe the food so much. You should just go and explore the cart after cart sensation. However, I would like to say that tea is important in Dim Sum. Here are some tips:
1. Pour everyone at the table tea first before you pour your own
2. When the tea pot is empty, flip the lid over to indicate that you want more tea
3. When someone is pouring you tea, tap the table top lightly to indicate thank you and that they can stop pouring
