La Maison de Pain on Pico

Photographer, Elon Schoenholz recommended La Maison de Pain, 5373 W Pico Blvd, LA CA 90019, 323-934-5858, a French Bakery near my house. Well, we were celebrating my son's 20th birthday and he does not like cake or pie so I opted for a French tart. The 12" Mixed Fruit Tart is about 3x the cost of a birthday cake. That's a lot but dare I say it? It was worth it. We also sampled the potato & cheese quiche, all vegetable quiche, chocolate croissant and mini fruit tart. All fabulous and extremely well made. I wish I could afford to eat here once a week but not on my income. The servers appear to be family and are very attentive and sweet. I really loved the baked goods here. It's an exceptional place.