Sabella and La Torre Fishermans Wharf San Francisco

One night, during our trip to the Bay Area, we decided to go to the Wharf for dinner. The drive from Antioch, where the girls played their basketball game that day, and Fisherman's Wharf took about an hour or so. Going over that Bay Bridge is awesome, what a magnificent structure and for only $6, what a cheap ride. Once you get off the freeway, it's very easy to find the Wharf; great signage! Half the group went to one place and the other half went to the little stands along the Wharf. We opted to get little plates at Sabella and La Torre. I'd been there a couple of times before but it's been over a seven years. I remember it being an Italian kind of place back then but now there's seems to be a lot of Asian immigrants employed, which makes for a very different atmosphere. The service was still fantastic and quick. We shared the clam chowder, clam fries and crab cocktail. This time around, I wasn't hungry enough to spend $26 on a boiled crab. It's a lot of crab and a lot of money. However, I have ordered it before and it is worth $26. It's such a fun place to visit, even though it's very tourist-eee.