Compari's Pizza and Italian on Centinela

Yesterday was my daughter's birthday. We had a family dinner the night before for her so when I picked her up from her High School basketball practice, I thought it would be nice to take her out to dinner with her coaches, who have been so supportive through out her four years at Culver City HS. One of the coaches recommended Compari's Pizza and Italian at 5490 W. Centinela Ave, Los Angeles CA 90045. I had never been there and of course that's always a determining factor when trying to decide where to go eat. Compari's was small, familiar, dimly lit and old school. I ordered the Lobster Ravioli, a small Cesar Salad and we shared a Tiramisu. The ravioli was al dente, thick pasta shell, cooked to that smooth texture and the lobster was chunky and the tomato sauce was creamy. The side bread was exceptional with lots of butter and garlic but the toasty crust vs the tender hot middle was perfect. I can't believe I'd never been there before. It's on that part of Centinela that spans under the 405 and shoots around the south-east back of Fox Hills Mall or Westfield or whatever that's called now.


Unknown said…
Hi! Thanks for the great information you have provided! You have touched on crucuial points! i bookmarked it and will be back to check some more later. Tandoori Mahal
CAFE LA LA said…
I like your name TM.

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