Katy's Kreek Restaunrant in Walnut Creek CA

In the posh section of Walnut Creek CA, amongst the Tiffany's and high-end boutiques is a small but comfortable restaurant called Katy's Kreek. I was staying in a hotel in Walnut Creek for my daughter's high school basketball teams tournament and one morning, one of the families raved about this place so the next day, we decided to see what the big deal was. Katy's Kreek is located at 1680 Locust Street, Walnut Creek CA 94596, 925-946-0949. I ordered the waffles and others ordered the Katy's Kreek special with a spinach scramble eggs dish. The food was very good, especially if you compare it with the hotel food but more than anything, I enjoyed the company. Great conversations, sharing personal histories and getting to better know someone while having breakfast is awesome. I have to give credit to the restaurants design. The moment you walk in, they are welcoming and the energy in the place is fun, positive and familiar. I really appreciated this place.