Di Carlo Woodfire Pizzeria on Hollywood Blvd

It looks like my daughter and I found our newest favorite pizza place. My friend Angelene told me about this place long ago but it took a trip to Frank Lloyd Wrights Hollyhock House this weekend to finally eat at Di Carlo Woodfire Pizzeria 4518 Hollywood Blvd. LA CA 90027, 323-644-9760. Oh man, it was perfect weather for pizza too. it had rained a lot that morning, was on the cool side with light wind, chilly for LA but maybe early morning summer for most place. I ordered the Arugula salad which was fresh, crisp and full of flavor. My daughter ordered the Salisiccia pizza; garlic, rosemary, Italian sausage, olive oil, tomato, and mozzarella. The moment my daughter and I bit into out first slice, we both smiled at eachother. I think that's all I want to write about this. I hope you get to go to this place.