Pie N Burger in Pasadena

This place has been here for a long time. I used to go when I was taking a Saturday drawing class at Art Center when I was in high school. Those were fun days but I loved the chicken pot pie. Mostly, though, its the staff and the retro-spirit of the place that draws me here. Of course their hamburger is awesome too. Last week, we had the tuna melt which was not the greatest but decent. The root beer float was excellent. For me, however, it's that chicken pot pie. It's just so much fun to eat. It reminds me of my childhood when my brother and I would be by ourselves at night and we'ld pop two frozen chicken pot pies into the oven. Comfort food, consistent and heartfelt. The Pie N Burger is located at 913 E. California, Pasadena CA, 626-795-1123.