I have a love hate relationship with hot dogs. Having been brought up with them in a big way, they are nostalgic to me but they're not very good for my cholesterol level. Going to Dodger games with my Grandfather are some of the best moments of my childhood. We loved to watch the games, wearing our blue caps and cheering them on. At home, he would watch away games on tv (pre-cable), while also listening to them on the radio while also reading the paper. I think he inspired my multi-media art work later in life and certainly was my first example of multi-tasking.
He raised me as a Dodger fan. Till this day, every summer, however not as much as I would like to, I enjoy going to Dodger games. The night games start an hour or two after dinner time so on those days, I try to eat lunch late so that I'll be pretty hungry for my Dodger dog. Day games for some reason, I can space two meals of the delicious past times in one game. Farmer Johns makes these and someone told me that the trick is to marinate them in beer overnight.
I heard for $40, you can get a bleacher seat and all you can eat hot dogs. That wouldn't work for me today but 20 years ago it would have been a steal.
