Parks Barbeque in Koreatown

Parks Barbeque in Koreatown is located at 955 South Vermont Ave, LA CA 90006, 213-380-1717. A new co-worker, Jihyong introduced this to us. It's a lot of fun to eat with new co-workers at a good Korean BBQ place because there's a informality to grilling the food in front of you that melts the ice. We decided to do ribs and tongue. The sides were yummy and Jihyoung ordered a spicy soup that was sort of like soon tofu but without the tofu. She was also worried we'd smell like Korean BBQ back at the office so she brought a bottle of Fabreeze, which I thought was hilarious. The twist to this lunch was the dessert. They had these fancy ice cream dishes including Spumoni. At a Korean restaurant? I could not resist but I have to say, it was delicious.