Earlez Grille on Crenshaw

Well, I am guilty again for passing a place in my hood for decades and not stopping by. Guilt encouraged me. You see, I'm working on a project now that will eventually demo the block this long time eatery has been on. It's a unique and odd emotion to stand in line during lunch with this looming reality. I held my cards close to my chest. The people here were so wonderful, proud and welcoming. I'm told they already know about the inevitable change but this was about lunch and so I ordered the special. The daily special that day was the spicy sausage which turns out to be an elaborate hot dog. The sausage is old school, the grilled onions was an array of onions and peppers. The bun was a good solid hot dog bun. I also ordered the vege chili fries. The chef asked me if I was a vegetarian and I shook my head, "nope". So that's when he recommended the daily special. The man in front of me, whose name turned out to be Clemons (I remembered because it reminded me that Clarence Clemons died about a month ago), touched his chest when I ordered the daily special. Clemons said that he can't eat that, it gives him heartburn, actually he said, " can't eat that, it just stays with me in the wrong way." The vege chili fries were awesome as well, with large steak fries and a heavy bean type chili, a fabuloso garnish! I brought this back to the office and ate it in my cubicle. About an hour later, I confronted the sleeping angel. We battled and I eventually extinguished her with an ice green tea unsweetened from Starbucks. This was my first Earlez Grille experience. It's located at 3670 Crenshaw Blvd LA CA, 323-299-2867. Side note, they have this very cool hand painted replica of the album cover of Curtis Mayfields "Superfly" album. It looks like it may originally been one of the paintings outside the local record shop back in the day. It's as cool as Earlez.