Sam Woos in Monterey Park

Drove to Monterey Park last week to hook up with Mike The Poet, Emi and their 8 month baby. Babies are cute but their daughter is amazing. A very happy baby, indeed. It was great to finally see her. Eating at home seemed easier than eating out with the baby so we got a take out from Sam Woos, 634 W Garvey Ave Monterey Park, CA 91754, Mike and Emi's favorite. Mike wouldn't let me pay (dudes become very Asian) but we negotiated that I would by beers so he drove us to the local liquor store. IT'S BACK!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen, Dixie Beer is back! So I got a 6-pack and it was delicious with the Sam Woo Chinese food. Dixie has been absent from the local shelves since Katrina. I heard all about it on NPR. The plant hasn't been rebuilt yet but they started to work with other breweries to make Dixie beer and there it was! The flat noodles were excellent, the sweet chicken was fab and stir fried vegetables crisp and fresh. Emi's family owned a restaurant for many years so they are picky about what they eat. Good people to know when ordering food and the Dixie beer really was icing on the cake.