Cake Monkey at Silvery Lake Wine

I was on a quest to find Green Flash Beer, Westcoast IPA. From their home page to their local distributor to Silver Lake Wine. I found it in a meer six minutes. So off I was for am lunch time quest to Silver Lake. Why you ask? On the eve of our 11th Ear Meal webcast, Torsten Mueller and Ronit Kirchman (mostly Torsten) requested this rare beer. You see, i always ask the artists, what is their drink of choice?
At this wonderful wine shop, Silver Lake Wine, 2395 Glendale Blvd, Silver Lake CA, I was treated well and even picked up a bottle of a red Rhone (forgive me, I forgot what I bought)along with six of the Green Flash Beer bottles.
Long story long, I noticed these curious dessert looking like gems on the counter. All in tin foil and reminiscent of what Hostess Ding Dongs used to be. I do miss the tin foil but not necessarily the Ding Dongs. Well, Cake Monkey apparently were equally as nostalgic and they've come out with hot rodded versions of the junk food classic.
I got the Marshmallow Cakewhich with Peanutbutter, but of course. they also had them with various jellies. It was delicious. The chocolate, superior to anything Hostess has ever put out, was immersed in its cake-like, more sponge cake-like, body. So it has that give when you bite into it. The marshmallow is perfect and it's a little messy, un-like the Hostess version but that means it's better, right? They are located in LA but here's their website;