When I started this blog, is primarily based on my discoveries while driving from this meeting to another but since then, I've made new friends who are foodies while getting recommendations from friends whose "foodie" addictions rose to the surface of our friendships. Ms. Jen is one of the newer friends who is herself a wealth of knowledge when it comes to eating out in various parts of LA. Noodle Boy at 8518 E. Valley Blvd Rosemead CA 91770, it turns out is one of her all time favorites, so much so, when she comes in, they know her. I felt like I passed some sort of test in our friendship when she finally invited me. We had a noodle and broth bowl that had these incredible dumplings inside. The vegetables where super fresh. What was really memorable was their proprietary hot sauce, which you scoop into a small bowl, add some vinegar, and dip your dumplings in. This was addictive and spicy-hot. As I've mentioned this to several friends afterwards, it was nice to hear so many who were already aware and a fan of the place. How about that?