Sports Authority Field Denver Colorado

Mooey Moobau and I went to Sports Authority Field in Denver Colorado for pretzels and beer. Fat Tire on draft, sweet. It sure is a good beer. I have bought it at Trader Joes before but this was the first time I had it draft. Denver really makes great beers. Coincidentally, there happened to be a football game about to be played, so we stayed to watch it. The game was between the Broncos and Bears. The Broncos won the game in overtime. When did they stop calling it "Sudden Death"? I guess that's not PC. The pretzel was almost crunchy and was delicious in the freezing cold. The beer seemed warm compared to the weather. This Denver quarterback, Teabo is a kind of magician. You could really feel the momentum shift that won the game in the electric mayhem packed house. Also, wanted to share that in Denver, pot is legal or something like that. I got a contact high in the bus and at the game, standing in line for the restroom, which of course gives you the munchies, which of course makes you want to buy another pretzels. This was my first NFL game. When will LA get a team?