Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver CO

My first day in Denver, I went to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver where there was a Counter Culture exhibition including Emory Douglas (artist for the Black Panther Party), A.N.T. Farm, The Cocktettes, Anna Halprin, and many more. It was a great exhibition in a really wonderful and contemporary building. In addition, an artist had installed a pigeon coop on the roof. Visitors could take home a homing pigeon, release it from there home and have it fly back to the museum. The coop is next to a one room cafe where I met my friend Glenn for some tea. I got the Red Rock Vanilla Tea and a gingerbread woman. They had gingerbreadman or men but when asked which one do I want, I couldn't resist the gingerbread woman. You know, in honor of Anna Halprin.