Petes Kitchen in Denver CO

It was the morning of the Denver VS Bears game and Mooey Moobau and I were stoked. We had already determined the night before that we were going to eat breakfast at Pete's Kitchen, 1962 E Colfax Ave, Denver CO 80206, just blocks away from his apartment. Pete's has been open for 24 hours since 1942. It's a fantastic neighborhood diner where some of the Broncos actually eat on occasion. I ordered hot tea, french toast and potatoes. It was filling and down-home-delicious!!!! All the staff members wore a Broncos jersey, t shirt or hoodie. The anticipation of Tibo Time had already been in full swing when we came through the doors of Pete's Kitchen. I think it's funny how many Bears fans there were in town. One even made it into one of my pix here.