Spudnuts on the Westside

I had some time to kill in between picking up the kids and an oil change so I went to Spudnuts for some tea and donuts. This one is located at 11285 Venice Blvd, LA CA 310-397-1218. It's immediately west of the 405 freeway. I saw something about potato flour donuts on the Food Channel so I've been wanting to go to this place for a while. It's a chain but you don't see too many of these places. The donut is definitely different. It's a better tasting donut. I don't eat too many donuts anymore but I am looking forward to going to this place again. It looks like they're trying really hard to stay in business by selling sandwiches, instant ramen, lots of various drinks, smoothies and ice cream.
You might want to try Spudnuts at more of the places on that list :-)