Outdoor Grill in Culver City

We bought the 4 to 6 serving BBQ meal and it lasted for three days. Man, that was good and economical. Outdoor Grill is located at 12630 1/2 Washington Place, Culver City, CA. It's at the corner where Washington Place and Washington Blvd. meet again on the west end of that split. Outdoor Grill is an, compact and hard to miss BBQ spot. It's on the corner, sharing the property with a car wash. In fact, if you need to use the restroom, you have to walk to the car wash. The sauce is very sweet. My daughter said it was like Chinese food. I don't have problem with that but I think she did. The coleslaw was delicious. The salad was crispy fresh. The ribs were baby. The chicken was perfect. The "grill" is outside (hence the name) the front door. The seating is inside and up stairs on this open roof balcony. The BBQ was pretty good to so-so but I would go back.