Little Saigon Glendale AZ

We were told 1) that hey were having health department problems and 2) The sister and brothers always fought and that recently the sister quit. Little Saigon is located at 7016 N 57th Ave, Glendale AZ 85301 626-939-6136. I wasn't that hungry but I was curious if they would fight in front of us. How cool would that be? So Kio and I went with the City staff for lunch or in our case a second lunch. I ordered spring rolls which were really huge, fresh and yummy. Mel, who was our main contact for the City, ordered the beef and vermicelli dish which she wanted me to taste. It was actually very yummy and if I went back, I would have ordered on myself. The sister was back. No fights broke out. It was actually pretty calm in there. oh well.