TenRens Tea

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's the year of the ox so I've been working on a music piece entitled "Funk 2009 Ox Tail Stew." Also, my favorite Ugly Doll is OX. ANYWAY, what an exciting energy it was last Saturday night in San Gabriel on Valley. So freezing cold and crispy. After an evening of delicious Chinese Food, a massage and great friends, a few of us decided to extend the evening and have some tea. I was picturing a Starbucks but alas, I underestimated my company (sorry about that guys). Where Kio, Midori and Misato took me was Tenren's Tea House, 154 West Valley Blvd. San Gabriel CA 91776. I ordered a ginger tea because it was cold and I wanted to warm my body before the drive home. My English and the waiters English were of two different worlds and he brought me back a ginger and green ice tea blend. I was feeling zen (especially after the days visit to Joshua Tree and the massage) so I accepted the liquid dessert. Wow, it was just a step away from the opium den. The sugar rush was intense!!!. Whenever I get these sugar highs, my vison becomes more clear. Is this bad? Lastly, at the end of our tea session, I had an astute conversation with a two year old in a very cool down vest. Thit lil dude was totally cool.