Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain

It was a not so cold but drizzly afternoon. I finished my meeting with artist Michael Amescua and started towards the Pasadena Freeway on Fair Oaks and decided to drop by the Fair Oaks Pharmacy and Soda Fountain and have a banana split. Why not? My daughter turns 15 today and what a great way to start the festivities. They are located at 1526 Mission Street at Fair Oaks, South Pasadena CA 626-799-1414. One of the fun aspects of ordering the b split is the anticipation of what form it will take, will the person making it have fun, and of course once it arrives, the ohhs and ahhs of those around you. They use Alta Dena Ice Cream which is one of my favorites. Just look at the pictures. I think they speak for themselves. I loved the question from the server before I got up to pay the bill, "You OK?"