Pure Luck Restaurant

Located at 707 North Heliotrope Drive, LA CA 90029, 323-660-5993, Pure Luck is a vegetarian junk food eatery. Jeffe told me about it and said it was really good. great food, not too much money and the vibe is kick-back. I stopped there for lunch today and had a really good time. I ordered the Coke from Mexico which is different than the one made in the US because the Mexico version uses sugar cane sugar for their sweetener (did you know? I didn't). I ordered a Glasgow sandwich which is delicious. Great bread topped off with a bean-bean sauce, tofu and green pepper mix. Eating it was like a sloppy Joe experience; fun and well, sloppy. I also ordered the soup of the day which was Pozole. I didn't exactly know what that was. It never hurts to ask. Very tasty. Across the street is the Bicycle Kitchen and Scoops and yes, of course i got some ice cream afterwards. Oh, and I was cleaning my work area lastnight and found the first digital camera I ever bought. Four AA's and it works.