Kansha Creamery in Gardena

 Artist Yoshie Sakae, Gardena Native, swore this is the best Ice Cream in the world. I'm sure there's some regional pride going on there but generally, i trust Yoshi's taste buds. Sam Gordon, DJ extraordinaire

was visiting from DC and whenever that happens, it's bin diving time. We checked out three LP stores in San Pedro, one in Long Beach and one in Torrance which made be hungry for Ice Cream. This was my chance to try Yoshie's rec.

it delivered. I ordered the Yellow Brick Road, which was outstanding. Of course the actual Ice Cream is creamy, should be. i think that means that use extra cream?  Walnut brittle and cornbread in that lucious white vanilla base. It's genius. Sam agreed.

18515 S Western Ave, Across From South Bay Toyota, Gardena, CA 90248-3830


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