It's so good to have friends who love to eat, isn't it. I mean, that's the best. I especially love it when I am with foodies who also love to watch the show "Man VS Food". The families I was hanging out with in Vegas said we had to go to Has Hash A GO GO. This one is located at the M Resort ( really nice place. I loved the interior design. It was like a retro-gangster meets modern). I ordered what Adam ate, "Andy's Sage Fried Chicken with fresh spinach, hardwood smoked bacon, market tomato, grilled mozzarella, Chipotle cream and scramble eggs.
It was delicious at first but at some point, my "system" broke down and i couldn't taste anything anymore. I mean, my system went on automatic pilot. What an insane meal. I loved it. I was all smiles, however unconscious.