Huston's BBQ in Hollywood

I've always wanted to go to this place. Huston's in located at 1620 N. Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood CA 90028, 323-464-3972. It's a cool little building in the center of this recently hipped up portion of Cahuenga north of Amoeba records. I ordered the BBQ Plate which included bread, salad, brownies (end cuts of beef chopped) and mac n cheese. I was there with photographer Bill Short and his assistant John. We were less than impressed with our BBQ. When BBQ is chopped in little tiny pieces and drenched with sauce, it's really hard to taste the meat and smokiness of the meat. This to me, is the main point of going to a BBQ place. The meat. The sauce should enhance the meat, not devoid the meat. I think if I were to go again, I would ask for the sauce to be on the side and then I could make a fair comment. Otherwise, the BBQ at Huston's was camouflaged.