Coffee Pot in Echo Park

Coffee Pot at 2201 Sunset Blvd LA CA 213-483-3386. I've past by this place so many times and finally walked in this afternoon for lunch. At work, we have a new CEO and he's mandated us to wear neck ties everyday. Which I'm cool with because I like to dress up; got over thirty ties now, 12 dress shirts and am now in debt at the Cleaners. So I walk in with my tie and shirt and felt really out of place, like I was with the City Inspectors office or something but everyone was cool. I think and I could be very wrong but I think the woman running the place is Russian. She has a really sweet accent and there's Russian Dumplings on the menu, which I didn't order because she told me that the crepes were the most popular. I ordered an ice coffee which was very chill and a ham and cheese crepe. This was one of the best crepes I have ever had. The crepe was fresh and wasn't to eggy or too floury, a perfect balance and soooo tasty! I'm definitely going back to try those Russian Dumplings. Lot's of stuff on the walls, art, little hats and posters. It looks like the Weepies are going to be at the El Rey in a month or so. The chandelier collection is very fun too.