Sometimes, food can save your heart. I was at my sons high school volleyball game a couple of weeks ago. His school went to play against Inglewood High. That's the school Paul Pierce went to BTW. The game was in the late afternoon but I left work early because I realized that that game and the next were the final games of my son's school sports career. It was the end of the road of what is twelve years of driving him all over Southern California for one game or another, basketball league games, volleyball and basketball school games, I sure went to a lot of them. The game was fun to watch. He played well. They beat Inglewood but I didn't have to hurry back to the school to pick him up off the school bus with the rest of the team, you see, he started to drive months ago. So there I was. The end of his game in Inglewood. I miss driving him to games and cheering him on. Sort of sad and nostalgic, I stumbled across "SOUL FOOD" in big letters. YES! This will cheer me up. The line was made up of regulars and folks from the neighborhood. Yes, I was the only non-African American in the place but the moment folks realized I was serious about my food, they welcomed me in like an old friend. I even got a sample of the peach cobbler, which I have to tell you was the best I have ever had. The lady who was next to me in line said the pork chops were excellent but I saw ox tail on the menu and that's my weakness. The oxtail, in a brown sauce were so tender, the meat just melted in my mouth. The mac and cheese and greens were excellent. Tender and buttery greens and cheesy-to-the-max mac and cheese. The candied yams were magical, just sweet enough and stove hot. Just writing this down is making me hungry. How lucky we are to have such a place awesome as Soul Food Kitchen. By the end of the meal (brought home leftovers and relived it at home), I was giddy and practically floating in happiness.