Dallas TX Trip; Whataburger

Whataburger was highly and some what humorously recommended to me by artist Jeff Mohr. "Dude, it's like the White Castle of the South. Promise me you'll try it." Well, I was full from a full steak dinner and a dissapointing chai tea and as we drove past a Whataburger I asked David to drive in. "Let's do this!" I was already so full. Mona and David were like, "Ah mann, you gotta be crazy, you're going to eat this now?" I ordered the Whataburger JR. I finished half. It wasn't so bad. It's too salty for me, though. In that sense it is like a White Castle. It didn't help that on the wall of the drive thru window was this poster instructing the staff on how to detect a unacceptable burger bun. There were pictures of moldy buns. What the @#"&!Well, I was happy I could check it off the list for this trip and move on. You happy Jeff?
the food was just ok, but the people and the place tripped me out!