El Taco

El Taco, 615 South Euclid, Anaheim CA 92802, was like seeing an old friend. First, the sign caught my eye, I couldn't believe it. Is that you? You haven't changed a bit! It brought back so many memories. There used to be an El Taco on the corner of Western and Venice my family used to buy tacos from all of the time. It was our Tito's tacos. This was before their was any Del Taco or Taco Bell and certainly before you could buy the pre made crunchy tortilla shells in the markets. So how was this old friend? Well, much like bumping into an old friend these days, they are no longer into trans fats and MSG. The taco's tasted healthy. Of course, my taste buds have changed too but it certainly wasn't that greasy taco I remember. Still, it sure was great to bump into an old friend but not a place I plan on frequenting anytime soon.