Pitfire Pizza

Pitfire Pizza, 108 West 2nd Street, LA CA 90012, 213-808-1200; Is this Shakey's with a bow tie or much more? I'm not in love with this place but my steak salad today was very tasty. I've had the pizza and it's mediocre. The crust is too bready and the cusine-ish toppings are not excellent. At this point, with all of the great pizza places opening up in LA, you have to be excellent with all "pizza points". Less than great on any of them and the pizza falls. Also, it's too crowded during lunch (which is a good thing for them) and the second floor back room smells funky-moldy. The service is fairly prompt and friendly. I heard they're watermelon lemonade is delicious. I'll have to try that someday.