
I WAS INTRODUCED TO MY NEW FAVORITE COFFEE PLACE TODAY !!!!!!!!!!! Intelligentsia, 3922 West Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90029, Well, I still love Bitches Brew from Groundworks, but the coffee at Intelligentsia is brewed and served in such a higher culinary experience that my heart melted in the most squishiest of fashion. The shop in Silverlake is next door to the Silverlake Conservancy (Yay Flea!) and the Silverlake Cheese Shop (Yay Jorge!). When we first walked in, it felt like the members of Death Cab for Cutie, Broken Social Scene and the Concretes where scattered throughout the sitting area and ordering counter or that we were in Canada. it would have made a beautiful album cover. Chocolates, coffees, teas and baked goods. The coffee is for the coffee aficionado, for those who appreciate each ingredient meticulously created, crafted and timed. My cappuccino gave me a slow and smooth caffeine sensation. Not the 4-D sensation I often get on the rare occasions I have coffee. The chocolates kick ass to the point where ass kicking becomes sensual. I had the Intelligentisa signature chocolate with tiny bits of roasted coffee and the bacon chocolate. oh yes, and the service is brilliant.