Cafe Dahab

Met up with friends over the weekend to check out the film "FINISHING THE GAME" at the NuArt in West Los. Before hand, we hooked up at Cafe Dahab, 1640 Sawtelle Blvd LA CA 90025, 310-444-0969. I don't know what a Hooka is per se but I think I'd like to try that out one of these days. It looks like the thing the catepillar was smoking in Disney's version of Alice in Wonderland. I ordered a dish and a drink. There were about 8 of us at the table. I never got my meal, which ordinarly would piss me off but this ended up being a blessing because MANN the servings here are really huge. I ended up getting samples of everyone's plate. I loved the shrimp kabob plate. it was delicious. I hadn't had shrimp that good in a while.