
My sons basketball team mates family just opened a restaurant called Hayama, 1803 Sawtelle Blvd, LA CA 90025, 310-235-2000, www.bar-hayama.com, so my friends and I decided to go for lunch this past Saturday. Now, the mother of my sons team mate is the chef and the father is the sushi chef and another mother of another basketball team mate is the macro-biotic chef. Isn't this funny, it's like sports-culinary crew.
It was very delicious and evidently the macro-biotic lunch box is very popular. At night, the sushi bar is popular and they also have this very cool outdoor large black granite counter table with a far pit in the middle. At night, the fire pit dining experience is the house favorite. Check out these pix of our lunch. I hope the images do the food justice. It was very healthy, filling and yummy.
Oh yes, they used to own Hama Sushi, a very popular sushi bar in Venice CA.