A funny thing happened to me recently. I've been working with Praxis Art at CalState Dominguez Hills and we partnered with Banning HS in Wilmington. I knew my friends from Slanguage were based in Wilmington but since i've been posting about the project all these other folks have been saying they went to Banning, including a recent interview I did of WWII Japanese Internment Camp survivor Mitzy Naohara. Turns out she's also from Banning HS link at https://soundcloud.com/alannakagawa/mitzi-naohara-podcast?fbclid=IwAR2-TBQmy9fNGBG4p6IQpwZJS7KsMnc3lqpVJ_xJVC6yAA3_YRZcWNSC-l4
Last week, i went to drop off zines that the Banning HS Art students under the guidance of instructor and Banning HS Alum Arnoldo Vargas, participated on. While I was signing in Devon Tsuno, artist and professor at CSUDH texted me and said he happened to be close and joined me. Devon created Praxis Art and he the one who asked me to be the AIR at CSUDH's Gerth Archives.
The students were great as usual. Arnoldo, an artist himself, knew he'd return to Banning after finishing his academic career and he did. his art program is high caliber and he's been placing students at institutions such as CalArts.
Afterwards, Devon invited me to join him to go see artist Mario Ybarra Jr., who I hadn't seen in a while and the three of us ended up getting lunch.
The week before, i had mentioned to friends/artist who live in Long Beach that I was going to Wilmington. They recommended a place that's actually a block away from Mario's studio. When I mentioned this, Mario, who is famously from Wilmington said that that was hipster place and sold expensive Mexican food.
Instead, he brought us to Mayan, 401 N Avalon Blvd, Wilmington, CA 90744.
Do I have to tell you that the food was incredible? No right? You know that was coming.
I'm actually craving it as I type this.
Maybe I can go back next week? I have to think of an excuse to go see Arnoldo again or Mario......