Aladdin in Pomona

I was with friends yesterday at Open Sesame in the LBC and we were commenting on the stereotypical use of Aladdin's lamp at Middle eastern eateries. Our friends were from Saudi Arabia. It's so "Disney" they said. There such a rich cultural history across all of the various regions and countries there, why is Aladdin's Lamp the only resonating icon of interest? Anyway, today we were in Pomona and stumbled across a place called, "Aladdin" 296 West 2nd Street, Pomona CA 91766, 909-623-4333. It was too easy. Anyway, we had the buffet which included two types of rice dishes, fava bean stews, stewed beets, chicken kabob, lamb shanks, and various sides like falafel, hommos, and stuffed grape leaves. It was really delicious and fresh. The service was great. The servers really made us feel at home and the open architecture of this place really lended to today's warm weather. We had an awesome time.