Beat Poet Tour

This past Saturday, the Museum of Neon Art held a fundraiser in the form of a tour of neon and poetry. Headed by LA-native treasurer and poet, Mike "The Poet" Sonksen, we toured around Downtown LA, Chinatown, Silver Lake, Echo Park, Hollywood, and Korea town in a very luxurious bus. We stopped by three bars; The Broadway Bar on Broadway between 8th and 9th in Downtown LA, The Frolic Room on Hollywood Blvd. off of Vine (next door to the Pantages Theater), and Frank and Hank on Western south of Beverly Blvd. In between stops, Mike educated us with LA history and the poets/artists who are rooted here. He also recited his poetry in fine fashion. His works were about LA gems including Wilshire Blvd. and Korea town. We had a great time. What a great way to see the City and Mike in action! Meg and I shared a Stella at Broadway Bar, a Bay Breeze at the Frolic Room and I drank a Guinness at Frank and Hank (because Monday was to be St. Patty's Day and I bought Mike one because his Birthday is on St. Patty's, HAPPY B-DAY MIKE!)