HMS Bounty

YAY!!!! Baseball Steak!!!!
I finally made it back to the historic HMS Bounty, 3357 Wilshire Blvd LA CA 90010-11803, 213-385-7275. I love the Baseball Steak here with mashpotato, YUMMMM!!!
It sits across the street from the former Ambassador Hotel where I went to my first Bar Mitzvah party back in the 70's. Before I was born, my mom worked at the Security Pacific Bank next door and the staff used to go to the Coconut Grove and see famous people sing. She had a day off when Robert Kennedy was shot but has solemn descriptions of what it was like to go to work the next day.
HMS Bounty is awesome. I don't go often because the food is heavy but I am drawn to it. Jeffe met Meg White there once. How magical is that?
The only odd thing about it is the bathroom is in the connected hotel hallway. The journey feels like a Stephen King novel, the way they go on forever, twisting and turning.
However, that Baseball Steak, is delicious. Megan Rebecca had the Fish N Chips which seemed a little overly bready to me.