Sweedler/Ramirez Encino BBQ Part II

After two hours in the LA November cold, we were full and freezing having been served tamales, smoked fish, chips & homemade salsa and soda (I had beer from a keg). We decided to leave. It was late and the kids had a basketball game the next morning. Ironically, we didn't get to eat any ribs, roasted chicken, roasted pork or vegetables which was still being cooked when we left. However, we did get to witness the cooked pig. While watching them raise the pig from the pit, my daugher whispered to me, "it's vegetarian time". The next day, they told me, even if they were hungry, they wouldn't have been able to eat the pig. I think I was told it was 160 pounds. Rather huge, It was almost human-like as they hoisted out of the pit and laid it in its body-bag onto the table. The crowd huddled around the table taking pictures as did I. I heard one person laughing "hey, it's still moving' and another who joked, "hey, isn't that Mavis from down the block?"
It's awesome to see this take place. We are definitely City-folk, not being able to stomach the reality of where our meat comes from. I also thought it was cool that Rich had a pit in his backyard just for this type of baking, awesome and impressive. Good times, good times. Note to self, avoid making your guest wait in the cold night for 2 hours before you serve dinner.