LA Vegan

LA Vegan, 4507 South Centinela Avenue LA CA 90066, 310-574-9888 between Washington and Culver Blvd, has caught my eye recently. It's such a small place. In fact, when I brought up to some locals, they had no idea it was there. I finally went last night. Their menu seconds as a door knob flier. The interior is like a budget Pinkberry. I had no idea what to order because the menu's all over the place; veggie meat dinners, burgers, pancakes, wraps, salads, curries, thai dishes, etc. I ordered the Pepper Steak Dinner. What it lacked in sophistication it overcame in abundance. Heafty servings of soy-based sliced steak, fried potatoes (your choice of this or brown rice), steamed veggies and shredded cabbage. I also ordered the cranberry Kombucha. That drink always gives me a buzz. I'm going back and ordering the curry. I bet that's the stuff. I should have asked what their most popular dish is. I was the only one in the place but they continually had people coming to pick up their take out orders.